Board meeting agenda: complete guide & template

Dima Eremin
Oct 18, 2024

Plan and organize effective board meetings with our comprehensive ✅ board meeting agenda templates, guide & tips. ▶️ Ensure structured discussions and clear objectives

Board meeting agenda: complete guide & template
Board meeting agenda: complete guide & template

Creating your own board meeting agendas and ensuring strategic decision-making can be such a challenge. In this complete guide to Board Meeting Agendas and Templates, you'll discover essential insights on structuring effective meetings that drive success.

Whether you're new to board meetings, or looking to enhance your meeting processes, this resource offers practical solutions to streamline agenda creation, ensure productive discussions, and foster informed decision-making.

Dive into our guide to your meeting management to uncover strategies for maximizing your board meeting efficiency and achieving impactful outcomes.

What Is An Agenda For Board Meetings?

A agenda for board meetings typically outlines the topics to be discussed and the order in which they should be addressed. It acts as a guideline for the meeting, making sure that important issues are covered properly and that all participants are informed and prepared.

Key elements often include reviewing previous meetings minutes, discussing strategic matters, any financial reports and updates, reports from any committees, and any new business items. The agenda helps maintain focus and productivity during the meeting.

Who Prepares The Board Meeting Agenda?

While there's no single person solely responsible, typically the board secretary or executive officer reports and assistant to the CEO or CFO drafts the initial agenda for board meetings.

Here's a breakdown of the usual process:

  • Drafting: The secretary or assistant gathers input from various sources:
    • CEO and Chair: They provide their key priorities and discussion points.
    • Board Members: Some boards allow members to submit agenda items for consideration.
  • Collaboration: The draft is then reviewed and potentially amended by:
    • Board Chair: They have final say over what goes on the agenda.
  • Distribution: Once finalized, the agenda and any supporting materials are sent to all board members well in advance of the meeting, usually at least 5 business days beforehand.

So, it's a collaborative effort, but the secretary or assistant takes the lead in creating the initial draft.

What To Include In A Board Meeting Agenda

Call to order

Every board meeting kicks off with a formal call to order, where the chairperson or designated leader starts the session and confirms that enough members are present to conduct business. This initial step sets the tone for what follows, ensuring everyone is ready to engage in productive discussions.

Agenda adjustments

This section allows for a brief period where board members can propose any additions, removals, or changes to the agenda. This flexibility ensures the meeting covers the board addresses most pressing matters and allows for adjustments based on recent developments or unforeseen needs. Any proposed changes should be addressed promptly to maintain a focused and efficient meeting schedule.

Approval of previous meeting's minutes

Before diving into current business, the board reviews and approves the minutes from the last meeting. This step is crucial for accuracy in recording decisions made and actions taken. It also serves to confirm that everyone is on the same page regarding past discussions board agendas and resolutions, laying a solid foundation for the meeting ahead.


This designated time slot allows key personnel to present updates on various aspects of the organization. It's an opportunity to gain insights into the organization's current state and future direction.

The CEO report might cover overall business performance, strategic goals, and upcoming initiatives. The CFO report might delve into the organization's financial health, budget details, and financial projections. Committee chairs may also present reports on specific areas of focus for governance committee, such as governance, risk & compliance, or nominations & compensation. These reports provide valuable information to the board and can spark discussions or lead to strategic decisions.

Old business

Moving on to old business, where unresolved issues or ongoing projects from previous meetings are revisited. This is the time to address any lingering concerns, review progress on existing initiatives, and make decisions to keep things moving forward. It ensures that all past meetings and commitments are followed through and any outstanding matters are properly addressed.

New business

New business introduces new topics or proposals that require board discussion and potentially a vote. This could involve strategic initiatives that could significantly impact the organization's direction, capital expenditures that require careful financial consideration, or new partnerships that offer exciting opportunities.

Board members will have the opportunity to ask questions, debate the merits of the proposals, and ultimately reach a decision through discussion and voting. A well-prepared agenda with supporting materials circulated beforehand allows for informed discussion and effective decision-making on these new matters.

Comments and announcements

Time for comments and announcements!: Board of directors members have the floor to share insights, observations, or important updates relevant to the organization. It's an opportunity for open communication and ensures that everyone's perspectives are heard. This segment fosters a collaborative atmosphere where ideas can be exchanged and collective wisdom can guide decision-making.


Lastly, the meeting wraps up with an official adjournment. The chairperson or designated leader summarizes key decisions, action items, and the date of the next meeting. It's a formal close of executive session that ensures clarity on what needs to be done next and who is responsible for each task.

Board Meeting Agenda Template

Here is a basic board meeting board agenda template below:

Date: [Date]
Time: [Time]
Location: [Location]

  1. Call to order
    • Opening remarks by Chairperson
    • Confirmation of quorum
  2. Agenda review and adjustments
    • Review and approval of agenda
    • Any adjustments or additions
  3. Approval of previous meeting minutes
    • Review and approval of minutes from [Date of Previous Meeting]
  4. Reports
    • Financial report
    • Committee reports (if applicable)
    • Executive Director's report
  5. Previous business
    • Follow-up on action items from previous meetings
    • Progress updates on ongoing projects
  6. Newer business
    • Discussion of new initiatives or proposals
    • Decision-making on new matters
  7. Comments and announcements
    • Board member comments
    • Announcements from the Chairperson or Executive Director
  8. Adjournment
    • Summary of decisions made
    • Next meeting date and time
    • Closing remarks by Chairperson

6 Tips For Effective Board Meetings Agendas


Time your meeting to stay on track

Allocate realistic timeframes to each agenda item. Consider the complexity of the topic, the level of discussion anticipated, and presentations that may be included. This structure keeps the meeting focused and prevents discussions from running overtime. Sticking to a schedule ensures all important matters get proper attention and the meeting adjourns on time.

Approach the meeting from a new perspective

Don't just repeat information from previous meetings. Focus on presenting fresh insights and updates that move the board's understanding forward. This could involve progress reports with key financial performance or indicators (KPIs) or analyses of new data or trends.

Get to the heart of the meeting

Focus on what matters most. Prioritize agenda items that directly impact the organization's goals or require board decisions. Keep discussions centered on strategic issues and avoid getting bogged down by unnecessary details that don't contribute to achieving objectives. This approach ensures that meetings are purposeful and outcomes-driven.

Give a reason behind every item on the agenda

Ensure that every agenda item has a clear purpose and relevance to the board's responsibilities. Clearly communicate why each item is on the board agenda item and what outcomes are expected. This helps board members prepare effectively and engage meaningfully in discussions, leading to informed decisions and actions.

Open the floor to feedback

Create a culture of open communication and collaboration. Encourage board members to share their perspectives and ideas on agenda items. Allow time for questions, comments, and suggestions during discussions. Valuing diverse viewpoints fosters a more inclusive decision-making process and can lead to innovative solutions.

Don't overwhelm the room

Keep the agenda concise and focused. Resist the urge to cram too many topics into one meeting. A lengthy agenda can lead to information overload and hinder productive discussions. If there are many items to cover, consider prioritizing the most critical ones for the current meeting and schedule additional meetings to address the rest.

Board Meeting Agenda Templates

Here are a few templates of the board meeting agenda templates:

  • Standard board meeting agenda template
Standard board meeting agenda template

  • Strategic planning board meeting agenda template
Strategic planning board meeting agenda template

  • Annual General Meeting (AGM) agenda template
Annual General Meeting agenda template

  • Non-profit board meeting agenda template
Non-profit board meeting agenda template

  • Emergency board meeting agenda template
Emergency board meeting agenda template

  • Consent agenda template
Consent agenda template

What Is The Difference Between A Board Meeting Agenda And Minutes?

The board meeting agenda and minutes serve different purposes in the governance and documentation of board meetings:

  1. Board meeting agenda:
    • Purpose: The agenda outlines the topics and order of discussion for a board meeting.
    • Preparation: It is prepared in advance by the board secretary or another designated individual in collaboration with the chairperson or CEO.
    • Content: The agenda normally includes key items like call to order, approval of minutes before, reports, old business, new business, comments, announcements, and adjournment.
    • Function: It serves as a roadmap for the meeting, ensuring that all necessary topics are covered and providing structure to the discussion.
  2. Minutes of the meeting:
    • Purpose: Minutes are an official record of what happened during a board meeting.
    • Preparation: They are prepared after the meeting by the board secretary or a designated minute-taker, based on notes taken during the meeting.
    • Content: Minutes include details like the time and date that the meeting happened, names of attendees, summaries of decisions and discussions, action items assigned, and any voting outcomes.
    • Function: Minutes are an official record of the meeting's decisions and proceedings. They document the board's actions, provide accountability, and serve as a reference for future meetings and audits.

In essence, while the agenda sets the agenda for what will be discussed in a board meeting, the minutes document what was discussed, decided, and actioned during the meeting. They complement each other in ensuring transparency, accountability, and continuity in board governance.


Effective board meetings rely on clear communication and a well-defined agenda. By following the tips outlined above, you can create agendas that streamline discussions, promote focused decision-making, and ensure everyone leaves the meeting on the same page.

If you and your team are seeking to further enhance your board meeting experience, Bluedot offers a well developed solution that goes beyond just basic note-taking. Bluedot empowers you to privately record your Google Meets, Microsoft Teams, as well as Zoom, ensuring every crucial detail is captured.

With Bluedot's recording feature, you can revisit these screen shares and ensure clear understanding for everyone involved.

But Bluedot goes beyond simple recording. In addition to recording, Bluedot offers features like transcription, automatic generation of follow-up emails, and a library of good board meeting agenda templates for you to use. These pre-built templates for common board meeting topics can save time and effort while promoting consistency and structure in your meetings. Securely saving your recordings within Bluedot ensures easy access for future reference and collaboration.

By leveraging Bluedot's recording, transcription, email automation, template creation, and secure storage functionalities, you can take your board meetings to the next level.

Install free extension


Can the board meeting agenda be adjusted during the meeting?

Yes, the agenda can be adjusted during the meeting if necessary. Agenda adjustments may be made to accommodate new developments, or urgent matters, or to re-prioritize items based on the board's needs. However, such adjustments should be made judiciously to maintain meeting efficiency.

How should board meeting agendas be distributed?

Board meeting agendas should be distributed to board members in advance of the meeting, typically along with supporting materials and documents. This allows members to review the agenda, prepare for discussions, and contribute effectively to decision-making.

How far in advance should a board meeting agenda be distributed?

Board meeting agendas are typically distributed to board members at least several days before the meeting happens. This allows sufficient time for members to look through the agenda, gather any necessary materials, and prepare questions or comments for a successful board meeting agenda.

What happens if a board meeting agenda item isn't discussed during the meeting?

If an agenda item is not discussed during the meeting due to the date time and location constraints or other reasons, it may be carried over to the agenda of a future meeting or addressed through alternative means, such as committee discussion or email correspondence.

In the next episode:
How To Record A Google Meet Without Permission in 2024
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