Skip-level meeting questions: guide and templates

Dima Eremin
Jul 4, 2024

Boost communication and gain insights from team feedback. ▶️ Enhance team dynamics and support career growth with these ✅ skip-level meeting questions

Skip-level meeting questions: guide and templates
Skip-level meeting questions: guide and templates

If you're feeling unprepared for your upcoming skip-level meeting, then you've stumbled upon the perfect solution for you and your team. This guide dives deep into skip level meeting questions, equipping you with insightful prompts for both employees and managers.

Whether you're looking to voice your concerns or gain a broader company perspective, this guide unlocks valuable talking points to ensure a productive conversation. Let's dive in to find out how to navigate skip-level meetings with confidence and gain valuable insights that can propel your career and benefit any organization.

What Is A Skip-Level Meeting?

A skip-level meeting is a one-on-one conversation between an employee and their boss's boss, without the employee's direct manager present. So essentially, you're "skipping" a level in the organizational hierarchy.

These meetings are beneficial for both employees and senior leaders. They allow employees to provide unfiltered feedback and insights to senior management, while also giving them a chance to connect with someone higher up in the company. For senior leaders, skip-level meetings are a great way to get a better understanding of what's really going on within the organization, and to hear directly from employees about their concerns, ideas, and experiences.

What's The Purpose Of Skip-Level Meetings?

A skip-level meeting agenda serves several key purposes within organizations:

Benefits of skip-level meetings for employees

  • Direct communication: Employees can directly communicate with senior management without the filter of middle management, allowing for more open and honest discussions.
  • Feedback and recognition: Provides a platform for employees to share feedback, concerns, and suggestions directly with senior leaders, which can lead to quicker resolution of issues and recognition of their contributions.
  • Increased engagement: Enhances employee engagement by demonstrating that senior management values their input and cares about their well-being and career development.
  • Career development: Offers opportunities for career development discussions and guidance directly from senior management, which can be motivating and supportive.

Benefits of skip-level meetings for managers

  • Insight into team dynamics: Provides insights into team dynamics, individual performances, and the overall pulse of the organization, which may not be fully visible through regular reporting structures.
  • Alignment of priorities: Helps in aligning organizational goals and priorities across different levels of the organization, ensuring that everyone is working towards common objectives.
  • Identifying talent: Enables managers to identify and nurture talent within the organization, potentially grooming future leaders and key contributors.
  • Building trust and morale: Builds trust and morale among employees by demonstrating senior management's accessibility, interest in their concerns, and commitment to their success.

What To Expect In A Skip-Level Meeting?

Skip-level meetings can vary depending on the company culture and the leader or senior manager's style. However, there are some general things you can expect:

Before the Meeting:

  • Agenda: You might receive an agenda beforehand outlining the topics the leader wants to discuss. This could include company goals, departmental initiatives, or open forum for questions.
  • Preparation: While it's not always provided, some leaders may encourage you to come prepared with specific topics you'd like to discuss.

During the Meeting:

  • Informal setting: Skip-level meetings are typically designed to be more casual than standard performance reviews. The leader might start with some general conversation to break the ice.
  • Open communication: The leader should be encouraging open and honest feedback. This is your chance to share your insights, concerns, or ideas freely.
  • Focus on the bigger picture: Discussions often revolve around broader company issues, rather than day-to-day tasks. Be prepared to talk about your role in the bigger picture and how your work contributes to the organization's goals.
  • Focus on solutions: If you raise any concerns, try to come prepared with potential solutions or suggestions for improvement.

After the Meeting:

  • Follow-up: The leader may ask you to follow up on any specific topics discussed.
  • Feedback for senior manager: Sometimes, skip-level meetings are used to gather feedback on the senior leader. Be honest and professional if this is the case.
  • Action items: Ideally, the leader will take notes and share any action items that come out of the discussion.


  • The goal is to have a two-way conversation. Be prepared to ask questions as well.
  • It's a safe space to share your voice, but always maintain professionalism.
  • Focus on solutions and contributing to the organization's success.

Questions For Skip-Level Meetings

Here are some questions for both managers and employee satisfaction. These questions help for both employee and manager feedback.

Skip-level meeting questions for a senior manager to ask

  • Career Development and Aspirations:
    • What are your career goals in the next few years?
    • How can the organization support your career development?
  • Feedback and Insights:
    • What aspects of your work do you find most fulfilling?
    • Are there any challenges you're currently facing that we should address?
    • Do you have suggestions for improving our team's effectiveness?
  • Team Dynamics and Communication:
    • How would you describe the team's dynamics and communication?
    • Are there any barriers to effective collaboration within the team?
  • Organizational Alignment:
    • How well do you think our team's goals align with the overall objectives of the organization?
    • Are there areas where you see opportunities for better alignment?
  • Feedback on Management Practices:
    • How do you feel about the current management practices within your team?
    • Is there anything you think could be improved in terms of leadership or decision-making?

Skip-level meeting questions for employees to ask

  • Career Development and Opportunities:
    • What advice do you have for someone in my position looking to advance in their career?
    • Are there upcoming opportunities or projects where I could contribute more effectively?
  • Feedback and Performance:
    • How do you perceive my contributions to the team's goals and objectives?
    • Is there any specific feedback or areas where you think I could improve?
  • Organizational Strategy and Vision:
    • How do you see our team's role in achieving the organization's long-term goals?
    • Are there any upcoming changes or initiatives that will impact our work life balance?
  • Communication and Transparency:
    • How can we improve communication and information sharing across different levels of the organization?
    • What steps are being taken to ensure transparency in decision-making processes?
  • Personal Development and Support:
    • What resources or support does the organization provide for professional development?
    • How can I better align my skills and interests with the team's objectives?

Tips To Make The Most Of Skip-Level Meetings

A skip-level meeting can be a powerful tool for both employees and managers, but getting the most out of them requires some preparation and intentionality. Here are some tips:

For employees:

  • Come prepared: Even if no agenda is provided, think about what you want to discuss beforehand. Consider areas where you can provide valuable insights or ask insightful questions.
  • Be clear and concise: Skip-level meetings are often short, so prioritize your talking points and focus on delivering them clearly and concisely.
  • Focus on solutions: If you raise any concerns, come prepared with potential solutions or suggestions for improvement. Show initiative and a willingness to be part of the solution.
  • Ask questions: This is your chance to learn more about the company's direction, strategy, and leadership vision. Don't be afraid to ask thoughtful questions.
  • Maintain professionalism: While the setting may be informal, remember you're still meeting with a senior leader. Be respectful and professional in your communication.
  • Follow up: If there are any action items or next steps discussed, send a thank-you email summarizing the key points and your commitments.

For managers:

  • Set clear expectations: Before the meeting, briefly outline the discussion topics and goals. This helps the employee come prepared and keeps the conversation focused.
  • Create a safe space: Encourage open and honest communication. Let the employee know their feedback is valued and will be kept confidential (within reason).
  • Actively listen: Pay close attention to the employee's concerns, ideas, and suggestions. Ask clarifying questions to ensure understanding.
  • Focus on solutions: Work collaboratively with the employee to brainstorm solutions to any challenges raised.
  • Take notes and follow up: Keep track of key points discussed and any action items. After the meeting, send a follow-up email summarizing the conversation and the next steps.


  • Be respectful of everyone's time: A skip-level meeting is typically short, so be mindful of the time limit and avoid rambling.
  • Focus on the bigger picture: Discussions should revolve around broader company issues and the employee's role in achieving them, rather than day-to-day tasks.
  • Maintain confidentiality: While open communication is encouraged, respect any boundaries the employee sets regarding confidentiality.

Skip-Level Meetings: Pros And Cons

A Skip-level meeting can offer a unique platform for communication between employees and senior leaders. While they can be a valuable tool, it's important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits of skip-level meetings

  • Increased employee engagement: Employees feel valued when they have the opportunity to share their voice directly with senior leadership. This can lead to increased engagement and morale.
  • Improved transparency and trust: Open communication between all levels fosters trust and transparency within the organization.
  • Unfiltered feedback: Employees may feel more comfortable raising concerns or suggesting improvements without fearing repercussions from their direct manager. This provides valuable insights for senior leaders.
  • Better decision-making: By getting a broader perspective from the front lines, leaders can make more informed decisions that are aligned with employee needs and experience.
  • Identification of issues: Unfiltered feedback can help uncover problems or inefficiencies that might not be apparent through traditional channels.
  • Stronger company culture: Regular skip-level meetings contribute to a more open and collaborative company culture, where employees feel like their voices are heard.
  • Employee development: These meetings can be a platform for career discussions and mentorship opportunities with senior leaders.

The disadvantages of skip-level meetings

  • Micromanagement concerns: Some direct managers may feel that any skip-level meeting is a form of micromanagement, potentially undermining their authority.
  • Strained relationships: If not handled carefully, a skip-level meeting can damage the relationship between an employee and their direct manager, especially if the employee uses them to bypass their manager with concerns.
  • Wasted time: A skip-level meeting can be time-consuming for both employees and senior leaders, especially if not well-organized or focused.
  • Unrealistic expectations: Employees may raise issues beyond a senior leader's control, leading to disappointment or frustration.
  • Confidentiality concerns: Employees may be hesitant to share honest feedback if they fear it won't be kept confidential.
  • Lack of follow-up: If there's no follow-up on action items or discussions, employees may feel their input is not valued.

Skip-Level Meeting Agenda Templates

       1. General feedback session

General feedback session meeting

       2. Project review meeting

Project review meeting

       3. Career development focus

Career development focus meeting

       4. Team dynamics and collaboration

Team dynamics and collaboration meeting


       5. Innovation and improvement

Innovation and improvement meeting

       6. Employee engagement and satisfaction

Employee engagement and satisfaction meeting

       7. Performance review and feedback

Performance review and feedback meeting

       8. Organizational alignment and strategy

Organizational alignment and strategy meeting


Skip-level meetings are a powerful tool for enhancing communication, building trust, and fostering a collaborative work environment. By providing a direct line of communication between senior management and employees, these meetings can address concerns, identify opportunities for improvement, and support career development. For recording meetings and utilizing meeting templates effectively, Bluedot is the best tool available.

Bluedot goes beyond just capturing insights through transcription. Recording meetings is crucial, especially when screens are being shared. Bluedot seamlessly records your meeting sessions, ensuring you capture every detail, including on-screen presentations, diagrams, or complex visual information.

But Bluedot doesn't stop at recording. It boasts a suite of features designed to streamline your meeting experience. AI-powered transcription turns recorded audio into clear, searchable text, allowing you to revisit key points with ease. Auto-generated emails save you time by capturing the meeting's essence and action items in a clear, concise email that can be quickly distributed to attendees.

Meeting templates ensure you cover all the essential points in every one on one meeting together, saving you time and ensuring a smooth and productive discussion. Bluedot securely saves your recordings in the cloud, making them readily accessible for future reference and collaboration.

Install free extension


How can feedback from skip-level meetings be effectively implemented?

To effectively implement feedback a skip-level meeting:

  1. Document Key Points: Record main discussion points.
  2. Share with Middle Management: Ensure transparency and collaboration.
  3. Create an Action Plan: Outline steps, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines.
  4. Prioritize Issues: Address the most critical feedback first.
  5. Provide Resources: Ensure necessary support for changes.
  6. Follow-up: Schedule follow-up meetings to track progress.
  7. Communicate Progress: Keep employees informed about updates.
  8. Measure Impact: Assess the effectiveness of changes.
  9. Encourage Continuous Feedback: Foster an ongoing feedback culture.

What are some common challenges in effective skip-level meetings?

Common challenges in a skip-level meeting include the risk of undermining middle management, potential miscommunication, and employee hesitation to speak openly. Scheduling and conducting these meetings can be time-consuming, and ensuring that feedback leads to actionable changes can be difficult.

Employees may expect immediate action, leading to potential disappointment. Additionally, senior managers and other team members might feel overwhelmed with the volume of feedback, and maintaining confidentiality of sensitive information is crucial.

How do skip-level meetings impact middle management?

These meetings offer opportunities for increased accountability, improved communication with senior leadership, and valuable insights into both team member dynamics and employee concerns. They can contribute to leadership development by exposing middle managers to senior-level decision-making processes and providing constructive feedback for professional growth. Effective integration of skip-level meetings can ultimately strengthen organizational communication and alignment.

In the next episode:
How to write a SOAP note
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